Monday, January 28, 2008
Russian River Fun
We went to Russian River last week, for our annual Mah Jongg Tournament. Justin didn't nab the big prize for most points, but he did come home with the victory belt, for the most total wins. It was a proud day for the Horner/Lemley household. Here he is with the Grand Champion Lisa, posing after the big win.

There was also a costume contest, which Sandy won in a field of fierce competition. She was awarded 50 bonus points.

Leader of the Pack!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Holidays with Violet
Yosemite in the winter was beautiful. However, Violet's favorite part of the trip was the hotel room and the indoor pool. Here we have her gearing up for trip number 3 to the pool!
Here Violet is in her snow "outfit" as she preferred to call it, in Curry Village next to the outdoor ice rink. She also had a lot of fun sledding and throwing her first snow balls and papa and mama.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Yes, She's Alive!
It is an absolute travesty that we haven't posted anything in the past two months. It's even worse, as I'm one of those people who complains about others' infrequent updates. As so much has happened, at best we're playing catch up here, so I'm presenting an assortment of photos with what I hope is interesting and/or humorous commentary.
Here they are, in no particular order of relevance, significance or even temporality:
This first series is from a visit we made to the pumpkin patch in Clayton, California. As is typical of such patches, one rolls around a wheelbarrow and gathers punkins, which Violet enjoyed tremendously. The patch also had other attractions, such as the requisite wooden cut-out propped up for photos:
And an intriguing, actually downright confounding, haystack maze. With our combined intellect, however, we made it out:

Amy and I took a trip to Boston, Massachusettes (that's where Ally McBeal was set). While we were there, Violet hung out on the farm, and we joined her after about a week. We were then joined by Violet's cousins, Aunt and Uncle. Here's a picture of Violet with her cousin, Derek, who, truly, looks like a freakin' movie star in this one:
We've done a fair amount of yard work, given the child and all, and we've learned that we can rely on Violet to do a few things around the house. For example, as Amy and I were a little tired after doing the front yard, we asked Violet to clear the side of the house and water some of the bushes. Here she is near the end, not even breaking a sweat:
In addition to major landscaping, Violet has been improving her domestic skills. Here, she is displaying two of her choice cupcakes, concocted with just the merest help from her mother. Violet's pride of chefmanship is clear:
You know it's hard out there for a toddler. After such an intense day, who could blame a girl who wanted to take a little load off?
Signing off for now.
Here they are, in no particular order of relevance, significance or even temporality:
Amy and I took a trip to Boston, Massachusettes (that's where Ally McBeal was set). While we were there, Violet hung out on the farm, and we joined her after about a week. We were then joined by Violet's cousins, Aunt and Uncle. Here's a picture of Violet with her cousin, Derek, who, truly, looks like a freakin' movie star in this one:
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Violet Turns Two
Our little girl is growing up fast. On September 28th, she turned two and we decided this year to go ahead and have a party. Justin and I were busy wrangling kids, but luckily our friends Adam and Miho captured these moments for posterity!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
It's a Potty Party!
Well, I'm sorry to be too graphic, but we have some big news at the Lemley/Horner household and it has to do with the potty. This morning, Violet announced that she wanted to go to the potty. After helping her with her diaper, she promptly pushed us both out of the bathroom and said, "Just a minute." She them closed the door on us and we went to the dining room to await the verdict. It was about 3 minutes later when Violet came rushing out of the bathroom with her big news. She HAD in fact gone to the potty and couldn't wait to rush us into her private sanctum to show the proof!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Violet at the Farm, Part III
Violet's favorite game at home is called "Mama's bed," where we jump under the covers and cuddle. Here she attempts to re-create it at Granny and Grandpa's house.

Violet at the Farm
Justin and I are in Boston, visiting our friends Juliet and Sanjoy, while Violet spending some quality time with her Granny and Grandpa in Iowa. To ease the pain (and guilt) of being away from Violet, Mom has been kind enough to email us pictures in Boston, a sampling of which are below. More to follow, when we are back from the trip!
Above, we have Violet testing her skills driving a big-rig.
Here we have Violet in the garden, testing the tomatoes.

According to Mom, one of Violet's favorite things is to help her cook. Above, we have a picture of Violet making her first cake.

Monday, August 13, 2007
Toddler Intellect
Violet's little brain is working, and working quite well, apparently.
She has this bucket of plastic eggs that she loves dumping all over the floor. Unfortunately, she does not equally enjoy picking them up.
On the morning in question, after dumping the eggs on the floor of her room and playing with them a little, she turned to me and said "eat now." Which means "time for breakfast." I told her that we could go to eat as soon as she picked up all her eggs and put them in her bucket. She clearly did not want to do this, putting one egg in and then walking around for awhile until she put in another one, looking up at me periodically, wondering whether I had forgotten my request.
She has enough will to resist a command from her own father, but not enough to know that if she really wanted to leave, all she would need to do is turn around and walk out the door. I wanted her to pick up the eggs and she didn't want to. If she didn't pick up the eggs, she couldn't leave her room and have breakfast. How was she going to get out of this?
Knowing how much I care for her, she said "Papa, I have owie."
"Oh, really, Violet? Where?"
"In other room."
No, I didn't fall for it, but I did give her a big hug for her ingenuity. And I picked up half the eggs for her.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Lemley Century Farm: July 2007
Violet took her first swim in what we at the farm call the ocean. The cute part is that Jen and Blase's daughter is named Ossian, which is pronounced the same as ocean. So, when we told Violet we were going to the ocean, she kept on asking where Ossian was.