Friday, July 20, 2007

Monday, July 09, 2007

Here is Violet enjoying her first ice cream cone at the Alameda County Fair, where Sandy, Justin and I went on Sunday. The highlight was a pig race!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

May the Force be with You

One of Violet's best buddies is Hardy, the son of our friends Deanne and Greg. Here they are reading and playing tea party, after a big train session with Thomas and friends.

Violet is discovering the many treasure's of Granny and Grandpa's toy closet, looking more like Papa than ever.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Lemley Century Farm: July 2007

Here we have Violet and Cousin Alec on a hayride. Somehow, the tape was broken out and here we have the final result.
Attack of the 32 inch tape monster!

Violet shows her patriotic side on the hayride.

Let freedom ring!

Violet took her first swim in what we at the farm call the ocean. The cute part is that Jen and Blase's daughter is named Ossian, which is pronounced the same as ocean. So, when we told Violet we were going to the ocean, she kept on asking where Ossian was.

The motley crew of cousins and children of our neighbor Jason, otherwise knows as the "hot farmer." Yes, they exist.

Grandpa gives Violet and Alec a ride around the farm.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Direct from Lemley Century Farm, Iowa

While papa whiles away the weekend reading, resting, brewing beer and geocaching, mama and Violet are at the Lemley Century Farm for the weekend. All reports are that Violet is having a magnificent time swimming, bale jumping, riding mowers and the like. She also idolizes her two cousins, Alek and Derek.

Here are Alex, Derek and Violet all using their "computers."

Here's an instant classic: cousin Derek and Violet on a horse together. It is so sweet how Derek is minding her.

And mom and Violet got in on it, too.