Still Sick...
Violet is sick today. Between her moans, she cries and wants to be held at all times. I don't work on Fridays, so you can guess what I will be doing today. The glamour of being a mommy!
Speaking of glamour, in an effort to get an accurate temperature reading, I took a reading using the rectal method. I think that I was more traumatized by it than she was. Violet just looked at me and smiled, as though somehow saying, "What's this new game, Mommy?"
Here is a picture of Violet from a few weeks ago when we went to Children's Fairyland, a local amusement park that was supposedly the inpiration for Disneyland. With me is Michelle, one of the first participants of First Place and her sweet daughter Brandy. Michelle is now 26 years old and it has been fun to watch her grow into such a mature adult and loving mother.
Children's Fairyland IS the inspiration for Disneyland.
We are still using the ever-frustrating, long-taking in-the-arm-pit temperature method. I used to be a nurse aid and took rectal temps all the time - but on my own kid. Something about it disturbs me. You go boldy before us!
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