Today is Violet's first trip to the zoo. I am going with the mother's group that I connected with when Violet was born. I was formerly quite skeptical about the whole concept of a mother's group. Why not a parent's group or even better a group of self-actualized individuals dedicated to egalitarian parenting? Sadly, those groups don't exist, not even the the wavy-gravey Bay Area. Or it they do, not on the one day a week I don't work. So, I tried out a mother's group and found that it was a simple way to meet other women are new mothers and who will babysit my child for FREE (let alone the going rate of $12/hr!)
Today little Violet is modeling the latest in babywear. She has on a red two-piece ensemble (dress and diaper cover) direct from the runways of Mexico, where her Auntie Sandy recently visited.
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