Violet is One (1)!

A great milestone has been reached: VPL is now one year old! Absolutely amazing to believe that it was 12 months ago that this little beast stepped into our lives. She's so wonderful and amazing and we love her so.
OK, so on to the pictures. Unlike many parents these days, Amy and I opted not to have a full-blown one year b'day party rager. We instead chose a laid back recognition that did not involve invitations, food prep or cleaning up the house. We had a little cupcake in Willard Park in Berkeley with Violet's agemate Lola B Hurst.

Thankfully, this being Berkeley, we were quick to make some friends who could round out the party a little bit.

We ended the afternoon with a great trip home on the bus. Who says Amy and I don't know how to throw a kid's party!?!